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The Ted Herman Meekins Card Project

On Ted's final birthday, the Chairman made a 3PM call to him extending birthday greetings and best wishes. Ted was very delighted and commented that I was the first and only one that had contacted him to extend birthday wishes. With that in mind and in the spirit of Ted, we have instituted a birthday card project/effort to mail family members a birthday card wishing them "Happy Birthday". This contact will be made via U.S. Mail   Keep in mind, if we don't know your birthdate or mailing address, we cannot accomplish our goal,


NOTE: For family members who do not wish to receive birthday cards, please contact us.

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Theodore "Ted"Herman Meekins
1931 - 2018


Tawanda  Brown (Woodson)
As posted on Facebook 10.29.23

Tawanda Woodson Brown birthday.jpg
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